3 Ultra Awesome Office Toys

I have a quick confession before I tell you the most fun, creative idea flowing toys. If your desk has a lot of clutter (or awesome office toys, Scrubs will not be able to clean your desk in the most amazing of ways. So think of your toys as a secret, a good one, one that you can tell other trusted adults AT ANY TIME and keep them in your desk when you’re not utilizing their powers :))

I will also link each of these bad boys to save both of our time.

1. Swinging Sticks

You should just click the link (I do not have an affiliate with any of the links). So if you are not going to click the link but instead rely on me telling you all about the sticks. OMG! It’s 3 metal, magnetic sticks rotating in a random pattern of mesmerizing, hypnotic delight. You should get this set of sticks.

2. Pendulum Wave

The newest model of Newton’s Cradle. It does not state anywhere that it increases brain waves but make no mistake the Pendulum will increase your brain waves.

3. Eulers Disk

Basically Eulers disk is an upgrade to a spinning top, you know the grandpa toys of yestercentury or the cool thing that Leonardo DiCaprio used in Inception to know whether he was awake or dreaming. If you are looking for a way to shift your mindset, this toy may be the technique to get you there.

Do you have an office day that makes you more productive or creative or are toys just a time waster? Let me know by requesting a cleaning quote. 😉