Before we dive into the 4 Hazards of Office Dust, let’s dissect our average office dust particle.

What is in dust?

Fibers (think office furniture), skin scales, insect parts, pollen, mold, mites, cobwebs and dirt. By inhaling this cocktail 8 hours a day, you become vulnerable to less than great health, such as:

  1. Allergens – Do you sneeze and feel tired once you walk into work? Yes, you’re allergic to “this place” but also that’s a good sign that your air has a high percentage of dust. An office with dust issues usually has one thing in common, trash cans full of Kleenex. Poor air quality will make you feel something similar to allergies or a head cold.
  2. Asthma – Have you ever walked into someone’s house who smoked indoors? Your chest feels tight and you take extra deep breaths of air. Buildings with mold will give you a heavy feeling in your chest and once you leave or go outside you will feel light headed because fresh oxygen is flooding into your brain. Offices with too high humidity will give you an asthma type feeling in your chest.
  3. Itchy/Dry Eyes – Dirty vents and poor air circulation cause our eyes to feel itchy and dry. Look up at your office air vents are they clean or are they full of dust or worse, black dust? This is blowing directly into your eyes and mouth which is why, if not properly maintained will give you dry and itchy eyes. Also check to see if your return air vent (usually on the ground somewhere, near a wall) is unblocked so that air can properly circulate in your office.
  4. Increase in Colds and Flus – An office that does not have their phones, door handles, light switches and keyboards regularly cleaned has an increase in colds and flus. Aside from hand washing, clean surfaces are the next best thing for prevention. If you have colds more than the rest of your family or friends, germ management is something to look into.

What can you do if you are experiencing unhealthy levels of office dust? You can hire Scrub Masters Commercial Cleaning (of course!). 🙂 Having your office regularly cleaned decreases office dust to help keep you healthier.

Our related services include:

  • Office Cleaning
  • Windows and Blinds
  • Vents
  • Carpet Cleaning

Happy Monday, stay heathy and happier!